Class FaultLogger


public class FaultLogger extends Object
Provides the interface for logging faults. Faults are a DogLog concept that were created prior to WPILib alerts. Alerts are great but are NT only, so faults allow DogLog to provide a simple interface to logging errors that writes to both NT and DataLog.
  • Method Details

    • addFault

      public static void addFault(LogQueuer logger, String faultName)
    • addFault

      public static void addFault(LogQueuer logger, String faultName, edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Alert.AlertType alertType)
      logger - LogQueuer to use.
      faultName - The name of the fault to log.
      alertType - The type of alert to create for the fault, or null if it should not create an alert
    • decreaseFault

      public static void decreaseFault(LogQueuer logger, String faultName)
      Remove the alert associated with a fault.
      logger - LogQueuer to use.
      faultName - The name of the fault to remove.
    • clearFault

      public static void clearFault(LogQueuer logger, String faultName)
    • faultsLogged

      public static boolean faultsLogged()
    • faultsActive

      public static boolean faultsActive()