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AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger - Class in dev.doglog
A wrapper around DogLog that makes it easy to use as a drop-in replacement for AdvantageKit.
AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger() - Constructor for class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger


BaseQueuedLogEntry - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries
BaseQueuedLogEntry(EntryType, String, long) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.BaseQueuedLogEntry
BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.EntryType
BOOLEAN_ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.EntryType
BooleanArrayQueuedLogEntry - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries
BooleanArrayQueuedLogEntry(String, long, boolean[]) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.BooleanArrayQueuedLogEntry
BooleanQueuedLogEntry - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries
BooleanQueuedLogEntry(String, long, boolean) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.BooleanQueuedLogEntry


captureDs() - Method in record class dev.doglog.DogLogOptions
Returns the value of the captureDs record component.
captureNt() - Method in record class dev.doglog.DogLogOptions
Returns the value of the captureNt record component.
CombinedReporter - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters
CombinedReporter(DogLogOptions) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.CombinedReporter


DataLogReporter - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters
Logs to a WPILib DataLog.
DataLogReporter(DataLog, String) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.DataLogReporter
dev.doglog - package dev.doglog
DogLog is a simple, unopinionated logging library for FRC.
dev.doglog.internal - package dev.doglog.internal
Internal classes used by DogLog.
dev.doglog.internal.log_thread - package dev.doglog.internal.log_thread
Code owned by the log thread.
dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries - package dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries
Log entry classes.
dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters - package dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters
DogLog - Class in dev.doglog
A logger based on WPILib's DataLogManager
DogLog() - Constructor for class dev.doglog.DogLog
DogLogOptions - Record Class in dev.doglog
Options for configuring DogLog.
DogLogOptions() - Constructor for record class dev.doglog.DogLogOptions
Create a new options object using the default options.
DogLogOptions(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for record class dev.doglog.DogLogOptions
Creates an instance of a DogLogOptions record class.
DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.EntryType
DOUBLE_ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.EntryType
DoubleArrayQueuedLogEntry - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries
DoubleArrayQueuedLogEntry(String, long, double[]) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.DoubleArrayQueuedLogEntry
DoubleQueuedLogEntry - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries
DoubleQueuedLogEntry(String, long, double) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.DoubleQueuedLogEntry


enabled - Static variable in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Whether the logger is enabled.
EntryType - Enum Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries
The type of a queued log entry.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.doglog.DogLogOptions
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
ExtrasLogger - Class in dev.doglog.internal
Logs "extra" information.
ExtrasLogger(LogQueuer, DogLogOptions) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.ExtrasLogger


FaultLogger - Class in dev.doglog.internal
Provides the interface for logging faults.
faultsLogged() - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Check if faults have been logged using DogLog.logFault(String).
faultsLogged() - Static method in class dev.doglog.internal.FaultLogger
FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.EntryType
FLOAT_ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.EntryType
FloatArrayQueuedLogEntry - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries
FloatArrayQueuedLogEntry(String, long, float[]) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.FloatArrayQueuedLogEntry
FloatQueuedLogEntry - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries
FloatQueuedLogEntry(String, long, float) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.FloatQueuedLogEntry


getOptions() - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Get the options used by the logger.
getRealTimestamp() - Static method in class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger
getStruct(Class<?>) - Static method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.StructRegistry


hashCode() - Method in record class dev.doglog.DogLogOptions
Returns a hash code value for this object.
heartbeat() - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.ExtrasLogger


INTEGER - Enum constant in enum class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.EntryType
INTEGER_ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.EntryType
IntegerArrayQueuedLogEntry - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries
IntegerArrayQueuedLogEntry(String, long, int[]) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.IntegerArrayQueuedLogEntry
IntegerArrayQueuedLogEntry(String, long, long[]) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.IntegerArrayQueuedLogEntry
IntegerQueuedLogEntry - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries
IntegerQueuedLogEntry(String, long, long) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.IntegerQueuedLogEntry


key - Variable in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.BaseQueuedLogEntry


log(long, String, boolean) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.CombinedReporter
log(long, String, boolean) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.DataLogReporter
log(long, String, boolean[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.CombinedReporter
log(long, String, boolean[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.DataLogReporter
log(long, String, double) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.CombinedReporter
log(long, String, double) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.DataLogReporter
log(long, String, double[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.CombinedReporter
log(long, String, double[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.DataLogReporter
log(long, String, float) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.CombinedReporter
log(long, String, float) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.DataLogReporter
log(long, String, float[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.CombinedReporter
log(long, String, float[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.DataLogReporter
log(long, String, long) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.CombinedReporter
log(long, String, long) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.DataLogReporter
log(long, String, long[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.CombinedReporter
log(long, String, long[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.DataLogReporter
log(long, String, Struct<T>, T) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.DataLogReporter
log(long, String, Struct<T>, T[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.DataLogReporter
log(long, String, Enum<?>) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.CombinedReporter
log(long, String, Enum<?>[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.CombinedReporter
log(long, String, String) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.CombinedReporter
log(long, String, String) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.DataLogReporter
log(long, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.CombinedReporter
log(long, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.DataLogReporter
log(long, String, T) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.CombinedReporter
log(long, String, T[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.CombinedReporter
log(String, boolean) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Log a boolean.
log(String, boolean) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.NetworkTablesReporter
log(String, boolean[]) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Log a boolean array.
log(String, boolean[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.NetworkTablesReporter
log(String, double) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Log a double.
log(String, double) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.NetworkTablesReporter
log(String, double[]) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Log a double array.
log(String, double[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.NetworkTablesReporter
log(String, float) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Log a float.
log(String, float) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.NetworkTablesReporter
log(String, float[]) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Log a float array.
log(String, float[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.NetworkTablesReporter
log(String, int[]) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Log an int array.
log(String, long) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Log a long.
log(String, long) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.NetworkTablesReporter
log(String, long[]) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Log a long array.
log(String, long[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.NetworkTablesReporter
log(String, Struct<T>, T) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.NetworkTablesReporter
log(String, Struct<T>, T[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.NetworkTablesReporter
log(String, Enum<?>) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Log an enum.
log(String, Enum<?>[]) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Log an enum array.
log(String, String) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Log a string.
log(String, String) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.NetworkTablesReporter
log(String, String[]) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Log a string array.
log(String, String[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.NetworkTablesReporter
log(String, T) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Log a struct.
log(String, T[]) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Log a struct array.
logEntryQueueCapacity() - Method in record class dev.doglog.DogLogOptions
Returns the value of the logEntryQueueCapacity record component.
logExtras() - Method in record class dev.doglog.DogLogOptions
Returns the value of the logExtras record component.
logFault(LogQueuer, String) - Static method in class dev.doglog.internal.FaultLogger
logFault(Enum<?>) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Log a fault.
logFault(String) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Log a fault.
logger - Static variable in class dev.doglog.DogLog
LogQueuer - Class in dev.doglog.internal
Provides an interface for queueing logs to be recorded by the log thread.
LogQueuer(DogLogOptions) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.LogQueuer
LogThread - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread
A thread that processes queued log entries and writes them to the log file.
LogThread(BlockingQueue<BaseQueuedLogEntry>, DogLogOptions) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.LogThread
LOOP_PERIOD_SECONDS - Static variable in record class dev.doglog.DogLogOptions


NetworkTablesReporter - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters
Logs to NetworkTables.
NetworkTablesReporter(String) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.NetworkTablesReporter
ntPublish() - Method in record class dev.doglog.DogLogOptions
Returns the value of the ntPublish record component.


options - Static variable in class dev.doglog.DogLog
The options to use for the logger.


queueLog(long, String, boolean) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.LogQueuer
queueLog(long, String, boolean[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.LogQueuer
queueLog(long, String, double) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.LogQueuer
queueLog(long, String, double[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.LogQueuer
queueLog(long, String, float) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.LogQueuer
queueLog(long, String, float[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.LogQueuer
queueLog(long, String, int[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.LogQueuer
queueLog(long, String, long) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.LogQueuer
queueLog(long, String, long[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.LogQueuer
queueLog(long, String, String) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.LogQueuer
queueLog(long, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.LogQueuer
queueLog(long, String, T) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.LogQueuer
queueLog(long, String, T[]) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.LogQueuer


recordMetadata(String, String) - Static method in class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger
recordOutput(String, boolean) - Static method in class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger
recordOutput(String, boolean[]) - Static method in class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger
recordOutput(String, double) - Static method in class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger
recordOutput(String, double[]) - Static method in class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger
recordOutput(String, float) - Static method in class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger
recordOutput(String, float[]) - Static method in class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger
recordOutput(String, int[]) - Static method in class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger
recordOutput(String, long) - Static method in class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger
recordOutput(String, long[]) - Static method in class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger
recordOutput(String, StructSerializable) - Static method in class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger
recordOutput(String, StructSerializable[]) - Static method in class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger
recordOutput(String, Enum<?>) - Static method in class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger
recordOutput(String, Enum<?>[]) - Static method in class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger
recordOutput(String, String) - Static method in class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger
recordOutput(String, String[]) - Static method in class dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger
run() - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.LogThread


setEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Set whether the logger is enabled.
setOptions(DogLogOptions) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Update the options used by the logger.
setOptions(DogLogOptions) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.ExtrasLogger
setOptions(DogLogOptions) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.LogThread
setOptions(DogLogOptions) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.reporters.CombinedReporter
setOptions(DogLogOptions) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.LogQueuer
setPdh(PowerDistribution) - Static method in class dev.doglog.DogLog
Set the PowerDistribution instance to use for logging PDH/PDP data when logging extras is enabled.
setPdh(PowerDistribution) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.ExtrasLogger
setPdh(PowerDistribution) - Method in class dev.doglog.internal.LogQueuer
STRING - Enum constant in enum class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.EntryType
STRING_ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.EntryType
StringArrayQueuedLogEntry - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries
StringArrayQueuedLogEntry(String, long, String[]) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.StringArrayQueuedLogEntry
StringQueuedLogEntry - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries
StringQueuedLogEntry(String, long, String) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.StringQueuedLogEntry
STRUCT - Enum constant in enum class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.EntryType
STRUCT_ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.EntryType
StructArrayQueuedLogEntry<T extends edu.wpi.first.util.struct.StructSerializable> - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries
StructArrayQueuedLogEntry(String, long, T[]) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.StructArrayQueuedLogEntry
StructQueuedLogEntry<T extends edu.wpi.first.util.struct.StructSerializable> - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries
StructQueuedLogEntry(String, long, T) - Constructor for class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.StructQueuedLogEntry
StructRegistry - Class in dev.doglog.internal.log_thread
Used internally for working with WPILib Structs.


timestamp - Variable in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.BaseQueuedLogEntry
toString() - Method in record class dev.doglog.DogLogOptions
Returns a string representation of this record class.
type - Variable in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.BaseQueuedLogEntry


value - Variable in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.BooleanArrayQueuedLogEntry
value - Variable in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.BooleanQueuedLogEntry
value - Variable in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.DoubleArrayQueuedLogEntry
value - Variable in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.DoubleQueuedLogEntry
value - Variable in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.FloatArrayQueuedLogEntry
value - Variable in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.FloatQueuedLogEntry
value - Variable in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.IntegerArrayQueuedLogEntry
value - Variable in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.IntegerQueuedLogEntry
value - Variable in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.StringArrayQueuedLogEntry
value - Variable in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.StringQueuedLogEntry
value - Variable in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.StructArrayQueuedLogEntry
value - Variable in class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.StructQueuedLogEntry
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.EntryType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.doglog.internal.log_thread.entries.EntryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


withCaptureDs(boolean) - Method in record class dev.doglog.DogLogOptions
Create a new options object, inheriting the configuration from this one, with DogLogOptions.captureDs set to the provided value.
withCaptureNt(boolean) - Method in record class dev.doglog.DogLogOptions
Create a new options object, inheriting the configuration from this one, with DogLogOptions.captureNt set to the provided value.
withLogEntryQueueCapacity(int) - Method in record class dev.doglog.DogLogOptions
Create a new options object, inheriting the configuration from this one, with DogLogOptions.logEntryQueueCapacity set to the provided value.
withLogExtras(boolean) - Method in record class dev.doglog.DogLogOptions
Create a new options object, inheriting the configuration from this one, with DogLogOptions.logExtras set to the provided value.
withNtPublish(boolean) - Method in record class dev.doglog.DogLogOptions
Create a new options object, inheriting the configuration from this one, with DogLogOptions.ntPublish set to the provided value.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values